Journal Statistics

Number of Volumes: 8

Number of Issues: 27

Number of Manuscripts: 616

Number of authors: 1,360

Non-acceptance percentage: 59

Acceptance percentage: 24

Article View: 386,831

PDF Download: 132,091

Number of Submissions: 1,864

View Per Article: 627.97

PDF Download Per Article: 214.43

Time to Accept (Days): 60

Indexing and Abstracting:


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All articles published in the Karafan journal have DOI & DOR.

The quarterly scientific journal "Karafan" has been in publication since autumn, 2003 with the objective of turning ideas and opinions into action, developing technology and applied knowledge, and producing questions for carrying out fundamental research in the field of technical and vocational education at the Technical and Vocational University.  On 21st July, 2013, Karafan succeeded in obtaining a scientific license with registration number 3/18/60837 from the Commission for Review of Scientific Journals, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. This journal is published four times a year.

Karafan Quarterly Scientific Journal seeks to publish articles that use the results of fundamental research to reach the true perfection of behaviours, methods, tools, equipment, products, structures, and patterns used in human societies. This research, which emphasizes the link between ideas and practice in different disciplines of the Technical and Vocational University, is based on learnable skills and participatory models and also creates sectoral research. These studies do not take place in a vacuum. Rather, they emerge in the scientific space in search of fundamental research which both influence and are influenced by.

Below are some of the goals of the Karafan Quarterly Scientific Journal:

• Turning ideas and opinions into action

Developing technology and applied knowledge

Generating questions for basic research

Providing solutions to practical problems

Producing special products

Testing theoretical concepts in real space



Article Processing Charges (APCs)

There is no charge to submit, process, publish and access the research articles. The cost involved in the publication of articles in Karafan is provided by the Technical and Vocational University (TVU).


Respecting the rules of ethics in publications, this journal is subject to the rules of the Ethics Committee for Publication (COPE) and follows the executive regulations of the Law on Prevention and Combating Fraud in Scientific Works.



Karafen uses (Hamyab) plagiarism checker software.


Current Issue: Volume 20, Issue 4, January 2024 (Art and Architecture / Agriculture) 

Original Article

Architectural Considerations of Open-Plan Offices with a Speech Approach

Pages 39-58


Maryam Mirzababaloo; Behshid Hosseini; Abbas Ghaffari; Houtan Iravani

Scenario-Writing for the Formation of "Construction 4.0" in Iran

Pages 215-234


SeyedMehdi Alavi; Alireza Naser Sadrabadi; Habib ZareAhmadabadi; Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini Bamakan

Journal Information


Journal type: Scientific

Rank in the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (2021 & 2022): A

ISC Impact Factor (IF): 0.281

ISC Quarter: Q2

Journal language: Persian with English abstract

Frequency: Quarterly

Partner Scientific Associations:

Engine Science Association of Iran with rank A

Iranian Higher Education Association

The initial review period of articles: less than 10 days

Average time from judging to academic admission: Less than 3 months

Arbitration Policy: Double-blind peer review

Minimum reviewers for each article: 2 reviewers

Articles Finder Software: Hamyab

How to issue a certificate of acceptance and judging: Electronic

Publishing fee: Free of Charge

Access Type: Free, Open Access (Full Text)

Indexed: Yes

Type of Articles: 

Research/ Original/ Regular Article



Applied Article

Conceptual Paper

Technical Paper

Publisher: Technical and Vocational University

Specialization: Engineering, Basic Sciences and Humanities, Art and Architecture, Agriculture

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Indexing and Abstracting

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